
Wikileaks and the 4th estate

Wikileaks reveal, they didn't create.

The 'legitimate' media cherry-pick the juiciest stories, take them right off the shelf, add a byline and without compunction and no thought to diplomacy, repeat the revelations loud and long in print headlines and tv and radio bulletins just to make sure no one escapes the leak.

...and Julian Assange is the bad guy to be hunted down and lynched? What a screwy world.



Bloody tabloids (Sunday Mail). Their editorial today craps on about how we shouldn't panic about swine flu while in the same issue they run a piece on the front page in a HUGE panel saying (quote) SWINE FLU TO SHUT 2 SCHOOLS, Virus spreads across Queensland; 84 people in quarantine (unquote).

The media fans the flames of panic (just as they do with the continuing currently number 2 story, the 'keep it on the boil' Global Financial Mess (but that's another whinge). Big time beat-ups frightening the hell out of people and making things worse.

It's probably the shortage of good reporters. With media proprietors losing ad revenue they can't afford decent journos and editors. Ergo... we are going to get more crap.